This year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show promises an explosion of colour and textures, fabulous floral displays, and cutting-edge garden design.
Visitors will be able to experience Bees for Development’s Hives for Lives Garden in the Grand Pavilion, which we are proud to sponsor. Visitors can step inside the honeycomb walls and discover a tropical forest, where beehives hang from the canopy and the wonders of the honeybee are all around. The forest represents the relationship between bees, people and biodiversity in the area of Ethiopia that Rowse supports with Bees for Development.
This Chelsea Garden celebrates our partnership with Bees for Development, which has helped hundreds of local community members in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, escape severe poverty through beekeeping and reforested almost 100 hectares of land.
We are delighted to attend the world’s greatest flower show with our Rowse Hives For Lives Partner Bees for Development in celebration of our commitment to help protect the bees and beekeepers. Read our brochure to find out more about our display, see a complete list of the plants used, and discover more about how we’re making life better with bees.
Reforested hectares of land100
Make sure you come to say ‘hi’ if you are at Chelsea this year and come back to our website in June for a wrap up and plenty of footage from the show!
To find out more about Bees for Development and our mission to combat poverty through sustainable beekeeping – visit our Hives for Lives page.