Our initiatives have been focused on protecting bees & beekeepers for over 15 years.
We call them ‘Hives For Lives’
Bee A Bee Farmer
Our unique apprenticeship scheme will give you a sneak peak into a career as a bee farmer.

We have trained44apprentices since 2014

Bee A Bee Farmer
Why being a beekeeper has never been more important
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Feed The Bees
Planting over 100 acres of wildflowers to feed our buzzing buddies throughout the year.

70native wildflower species have been sown
Honey bee health
Protecting the bees through vital research into honey bee health and foraging habits.

Honey bee health
Q&A with Luciano Scandian, Research Technician at LASI
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Honey bees routinely fly as much as10KMfrom the hive
Bees for Development
Creating sustainable futures in Ethiopian villages through beekeeper skills training and reforestation.

Bees for Development
Making a positive impact on Ethiopian villagers and their lands
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Bees for Development
Teaching beekeeping skills as a route out of child marriage
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360people gained beekeeping skills for life